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Immortal Samsara 2022 – Chinese Drama Review

We are with you with the subject, comment and review of the Chinese drama Immortal Samsara

The serialization of Immortal Samsara initially called “Agarwood Like Crumbs”, not only pulled in Novel readers and Xian Xia genre fans alike. It also attracted loyal fans of Director Guo Hu whose recognized for directing some of the legendary dramas we all know, “One and Only (2021)”, “Love and Destiny (2019)” and “TMOPB(2017). Intense discussions skyrocketed even more after, Cheng Yi & Yang Zi were paired in one drama. And In no time, the news raised the spirits and expectations of each and every fans.

immortal samsara review

However, the ride was all but smooth sailing. Some rumors appeared, heated debates circulated and, even fan wars on social media sites spread like wildfire. Many fans, including me thought that this may also turn the tables for the worse for the drama.

Yet, Immortal Samsara astoundingly flourished like a lotus in mud. Despite the setbacks, there still remained fans who patiently followed its arduous journey from the promotions, filming, trailers, wrapping up, and even till the licensing. And at last after great efforts, fans finally witnessed the long awaited surprise— the release of the first episode at the peak of July 2022. It was a really vigorous almost 20 Months of a roller coaster waiting ride.

Drama Info

The story itself is independent if we compare it on the main leads and ending of its Parent Novel “Agarwood Like Crumbs” (沉香如屑) Authored by Su Mo (苏寞) . The main focus of Immortal Samsara, which translates to “Cycles of Death & Rebirth” is the agonising love story between the burden-ridden Ying Yuan (Cheng Yi), a Supreme Lord of the Nine Heavens and, an eloquent and witty Four-Leaf Ancient Lotus, Yan Dan (Yang Zi). Sandwiched by a Realm that forbids the birth of feelings, the two will experience the struggles of avoiding the distraction of Love. But side by side, they’ll embark on the journey not just to discover secrets but also to fix the broken, and finally mend the scars. It do sound cliche but, this couple is truly worthy of the attention it is getting.

With Yan Dan always writing stories on her book, the viewers are hinted to ponder, “Will the main couple also have their very own page of a happy ending written in that book?” .

immortal samsara yang zi cheng yi

Immortal Samsara – Chinese Drama Review

Yan Dan, an independent writer and a loyal companion, was perfectly portrayed by Yang Zi. Yan Dan is a faulty-selfless person but she is definitely someone that stands out from the crowd. All throughout, Yan Dan stayed true to her own beliefs, never feared to love confidently, and embraced responsibilities like its her own life. And like Yang Zi, Yan Dan will always surprise you with her great acting and humor. Yang Zi did really well in portraying Yan Dan’s character development especially when she gradually prioritized self-care at the course of the drama. With Ying Yuan’s (handsomeness joke) thoughtfulness, she fell first and loved him with all her heart. But Yan Dan isnt entirely just a simp for the guy. You will also see her having this innate talent in speaking and intelligence (which I love), since it is what makes her really cool. Her talent, also made her ascend from being a witty attendant into a famous playwright slash company of the bully and vile, Ying Yuan. I found no single flaw or plot hole seeing how the character develops and I appreciated this fact so you’ll really have fun watching Yan Dan through Yang Zi.

immortal samsara yang zi

Then there’s Ying Yuan, someone with a very high position whose obsession in life is Wei Qi or “the Go/encircling game” apart from his goal of ultimately maintaining peace to his jurisdiction, the Nine Heavens. While carrying this role, he was then burdened by an overthinking personality, scheming tendencies, and a boring slash busy schedule. I think I can compare Ying Yuan more with Emperor Qi Yan from “Stand By Me (2021)” who is always harsh towards himself. Ying Yuan is literally like a robot who does things with no flaw all because he thinks it is his obligation to be different from his parents. But his miserable life with only Wei Qi as a hobby only lasted until, he found Yan Dan who switched all of his perceptions in life and made him happier. With Ying Yuan being represented by Cheng Yi, he also got cursed with blood spitting moments. What made his character so interesting, was that he is not entirely harsh and cold hearted. He cares not only for his beloved but also for every single one of his people, his soldiers, and his best friends. His flaw stems in the fact that he always remained firm in being responsible (especially in his job) so he totally refused distractions (like love). But despite his imperfections & jerk-like-boyfriend choices, his love remained unchanged.

immortal samsara  cheng yi

My opinion over the script
(However, I might have to complain a lil bit as the scriptwriters are more focusing on background character’s story rather than focusing on Yang Zi & Cheng Yi‘s love story. I feel so bitter abt it since the main reason why I watched IS is for Yang Dan and Yang Yuan only!! For example, Xuan Ye & Ran Qing love story might be even more than the main lead’s story! Also, everytime the sweet scenes came, they all turned out to be dreams, illusions or one of YD and YY is unconscious! WHAT THE HELL! The scriptwriters suck! Are they taking us as a joke or smth, having Yang Zi & Cheng Yi as a main lead couple so rare and gold but they made the script like this, like how!)

immortal samsara review

Oh yes, before I forget, let me also give a thousand praises to the production team. The camera works, the film sights, creation of the venues, the costumes ( especially Cheng Yi’s wardrobe and wigs…!), and CGI were SO BREATHTAKING! The production team for this drama were really meticulous in designing every corridor , every pathways, the rooftops, the rocks, the courtyards, and the big and beautiful trees!! Even the petals falling were apple to my eyes, lmao. I especially love the Night Forgetting River and The Land of the Horizon venues. 

yang zi cheng yi

So, if you love to watch a xianxia genre, if you only have to pick one xianxia drama in your life time, this is the one. period.

*if you feel the plot on first episodes are flat, boring, the cgi is bad, etc… just hang on, or just skip them to ep 9, it started to get more and more interesting from this episode and so on.

We have come to the end of the    Immortal Samsara Chinese Drama review. Have a nice day!

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